hey, lovely!
nice to meet you
I'm Nicole

I walk between two worlds – the spiritual world and the world of business. And I love both.
I was born into a long line of western women with powerful spiritual connection. I was born psychic and had full awareness of that capacity from my earliest memories, although I tried for many years to hide this part of myself and to not be who I was born to be.
During my twenties I was mentored by a group of Australian Aboriginal Elders, and initiated into many of their methods of channelling and healing. I began working professionally as a channel and psychic over twenty five years ago, guiding people to understand their talents and gifts and their most fulfilling life path, and helping them connect to their own intuitive and psychic abilities.
My days start and conclude with meditation and energy work, and have done since I was eleven years old. Spirituality, metaphysics and magic infuse my life at every level. I am a Journeymaker. A Journeymaker is someone who is dedicated to reconnecting to their wise intuitive self, and to using their intuitive gifts as part of daily life, as they become empowered in crafting a meaningful and magical life for themselves. I am devoted to the path of being a spiritual Journeymaker, and empowering you to become a Journeymaker too. As I walk this path I light the way for you to walk beside me. I want you to know that being intuitive is normal, natural and one of the best ways that you can evolve and grow to become a better and happier version of yourself.
“the things that make me different are the things that make me.” ~ a.a. milne
About being different When I was growing up, and then when I stepped into a corporate career, I was terribly ashamed of my psychic and intuitive abilities and I worried about how people might judge me if they knew about this secret of mine. So, I know how it feels, to be in that space, to not have anyone to share the journey with, and to not be able to find a mentor to guide the way. My younger years were impossibly hard, and I felt like I lived a double life.
This video, shot at my farm, and during one of my retreats, talks about the journey I have been on, the journey my students are on, and the journey you are undertaking too.
I know how to navigate this path. I know how to reclaim intuition and live from your heartspace. I know how to guide you to do that too, whether you are at the beginning of your spiritual journey or whether you are ready to dive into advanced mystical and esoteric practices. I want you to know that I’m here for you, my community is here for you, and that you are welcome at my table.
“you are always welcome at my table.”
~ nicole cody
Business Coach I hold degrees in Business and the Arts, as well as postgraduate qualifications in Adult Education, Instructional Design and Business Management. I have taught business at undergraduate and post-graduate level for the University of Queensland, Deakin University and the Open Learning University.
Prior to stepping into my metaphysical business full-time I established and grew my own educational design company to a seven-figure turnover, employing 26 staff. I created courses and instructional materials for universities, government departments, large corporations and entrepreneurs.
I continue to liaise with the business community and several government departments, and maintain private coaching and consulting clients alongside my spiritual business.
About me when I’m not working I live in a treehouse on the side of a mountain on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia, surrounded by wild spaces and forest, and nourished by the sea breeze. My day is bookended by meditation – an hour when I wake, and another hour before bed – and many of my students and clients report seeing me in their dreams or having me pop in on them during their own meditations. That’s something my Aboriginal Aunties taught me, and it’s in integral part of my life to nurture, support and bring healing to those around me.
I love to cook, and to share my table with loved ones, friends and family. I spend a lot of time in nature, or looking out over nature. I’m a total bookworm, and writing is something that is an increasing focal point for me. As a member of the massive and mostly invisible chronic illness and disability community, I know what it is to live with limitations, pain and fluctuating energy. I've managed to create a meaningful life for myself despite, or perhaps because of these things, and I see how my spiritual journey has been made more possible because of the limitations in other areas of my life. I feel blessed to be able to walk this path, and to share my life with you.

"Nicole is a powerful teacher, healer, and psychic and my life has been infinitely better because of her place in it.
I consider myself lucky to have found such a special mentor in this lifetime."
- Emma Polities

"Nicole Cody is the teacher that I was wishing for as I stumbled through my spiritual journey. It’s a wonderful feeling to have a caring mentor showing me how to find my own way.."
- Anevyne

"Because of Nicole I finally feel that I have returned home to my true self, my true North and my true expression of all I came here to be. Nicole Cody you are the best!"
- Katrina Woodland

All my love, Nicole xx
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